I love to eat and I love to write. Yes, precisely in that order.
Second; I have found that the culinary landscape in Denver is exciting, not exhilarating, and should be approached in that manner. Wild paeans are rarely due, yet often showered upon the merely "best of Denver". How "shy-making" I would exclaim, when compared to the world-at-large.
In a totally selfish mode now, I find that awareness in eating is heightened for me when I spend time describing and musing upon the experience.
I invite you to follow along, and comment when you are compelled by my raving or ranting. Sometimes, I will be talking about what I'm cooking, where I've eaten or what I've read. I'll be using this blog to rant like a 16th Street Mall Prophet, yell back at your own risk.
Second; I have found that the culinary landscape in Denver is exciting, not exhilarating, and should be approached in that manner. Wild paeans are rarely due, yet often showered upon the merely "best of Denver". How "shy-making" I would exclaim, when compared to the world-at-large.
In a totally selfish mode now, I find that awareness in eating is heightened for me when I spend time describing and musing upon the experience.
I invite you to follow along, and comment when you are compelled by my raving or ranting. Sometimes, I will be talking about what I'm cooking, where I've eaten or what I've read. I'll be using this blog to rant like a 16th Street Mall Prophet, yell back at your own risk.
