Is This Doable in Colorado?
Check out this link to the Oregon Travel website. They have an event going on in October and November that features the "bounty" of the state. Instead of focusing on just the restaurants, this statewide event sheds light, or a spotlight, on several aspects for the food process. They have events that feature the farmers and vintners; the brewers and bakers; as well as the innkeepers and chefs. Sounds like a good idea. It really takes the partnership of all of these players to create a food culture, not just a restaurant culture.

Oregon truly has a bounty, with the ocean, the cattle ranches, wine country and hops, the fertile Willamette Valley, and the many rivers. I'd like to think that every region, however, can put on a similar event to feature their local harvests. Sure, some states will have a broader selection than others, but I think it could really educate and encourage us all to be more conscious of our food.