Закуски. . .Russian Appetizers

I would say the picture on the left is a bit more typical for the people I break bread with: a bottle of cognac, some котлеты (kat-lyeti) which are meat patties, sliced cheese, sliced sausage and rye bread. That's a good start. Take a look at this Закуски (za-koos-ki) Link at English Russia for some fascinating pics from Russia. Besides the aforementioned items, you'll also notice in the pictures lots of: green onions & garlic, parsley, boiled potatoes, caviar, smoked fish, green onions & garlic, tomatoes, green onions & garlic, smoked meats, cheeses, green onions & garlic, oh and lest I forget green onions & garlic.If you lost all of your money gambling ("I mean, the market was our of everything, honey!") Just don't forget the vodka and the cigs!