Deep-Fried Chinese Bread

If you'd like to try something a little different, you need to get over to JJ Chinese Seafood Restaurant on Alameda. I think most people stuff themselves silly before they realize that they can get a dessert here. It's actually on the appetizer portion of the menu, maybe that's where it should be, I'm not sure. All I know is that I always save room for an order of the Deep-fried Chinese bread.
Don't take this home, you need to eat it freshly made. It's steaming hot inside, beautifully shiny on the outside. It comes with a little bowl of condensed milk, yum! The first layer is soft and spongy, the center is a denser, yellow, braided core of dough.

You are willing to share, right?
JJ Chinese Seafood Restaurant
2500 W Alameda Ave.
Denver, CO 80219
Yelp Reviews
Whatever, it looks delicious. I've been meaning to get to this place forever...any other recs?