In Search Of: Noodle Kugel
Ever since reading Chabon's The Yiddish Policeman's Union, I was intrigued by deli food. Specifically Jewish deli food as served in Alsaka. Ok, so that's not happening except in his alternate reality. Therefore, the next best option would have to be Kat'z Deli in New York in the middle of winter.
Most of the items that he mentions in the book, I could picture or at least had a certain level of familiarity with. Kugel, on the other hand, was completely alien to me. What could he be talking about, noodles being cut into squares? It took a trip to Kat'z to figure it out.
Wow! These were good! Moist, sweet, chewy and warm on a freezing day. I could eat a whole tray of these. Now my question to you: Where to find something like this in Denver? Leave me a comment if you have any ideas for me to try.
Most of the items that he mentions in the book, I could picture or at least had a certain level of familiarity with. Kugel, on the other hand, was completely alien to me. What could he be talking about, noodles being cut into squares? It took a trip to Kat'z to figure it out.
Wow! These were good! Moist, sweet, chewy and warm on a freezing day. I could eat a whole tray of these. Now my question to you: Where to find something like this in Denver? Leave me a comment if you have any ideas for me to try.
Try Smitten Kitchen's.